We all have kitchens, we all need gadgets and supplies to fill them, right? I love buying new gadgets, tools, or whatever you call them.
I could spend hours in any store that has any type of kitchen supplies. Today we are going to talk about my top picks to use for baking. Here is a list of gadgets that I feel are a must-have for any kitchen.
Mixing it up
If you're like me and you have a baking center or you want to make a baking center then today is your day.
Let's start with the mixers. I find having both a hand mixer and a stand mixer are great for multiple reasons.
Hand mixer ~ The hand mixer I use a lot when I'm whipping mashed potatoes or even a quick box cake mix. I know gasp, it does happen more then you would think here. You can turn a box cake into many delicious desserts like our Instant Pot Apple Cake. I have even used my hand mixer for mixing my ingredients for deviled eggs.
Stand Mixer ~If you have read any of my posts on the blog when I'm baking you all know that I use and love my kitchen aid all the time.
In my option, this was money well spent. I'm actually looking at buying another bowl for mine since I have really kicked up my baking in the last couple of years.
I find my Kitchen Aid makes work a lot easier because it has more power than my hand mixer. I use it for most of my baking like mixing cookies dough, cakes, frosting, and brownies just to name a few.
Bowls, I could not live without my mixing bowls. The nesting bowls are the best for space-saving. I like to use my glass bowls when I use the hand mixer, and they are microwave safe.
My plastic mixing bowls I'll use when sifting flour. I do use them as well with the hand mixer.
Measuring Up with Spoons and Cups
Measuring spoons ~ Oh my goodness, these are my favorite to shop for. At the current time, I have four sets of measuring spoons in my kitchen.
One is only for decorations while the other three are used almost daily. One set should work well in your kitchen unless you do a lot of baking then you may want more.
Measuring cups both liquid and dry I have multiple of as well. When we got married at one of my bridal showers I received a set of Pyrex nesting liquid cups.
There have been many times all three sets of them have been in the dishwasher. I bought a plastic liquid cup because I was tired of not having enough.
These are just a few kitchen tools that I feel are a necessity for any kitchen. I hope you find this list useful in building your kitchen.
Answering the questions "what's there to eat" ~ Jen
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